Creamy Tomato Pasta
I stumbled upon this recipe on Super Bowl day. I made some yummy vegetable sandwiches. And I wanted to make a side of simple spaghetti...
Mindfulness meets the kitchen!
I stumbled upon this recipe on Super Bowl day. I made some yummy vegetable sandwiches. And I wanted to make a side of simple spaghetti...
This recipe is not the usual pesto pasta recipe. The avocado brings in a very rich and creamy texture to the pesto. And it definitely...
I end up making these one pot hearty soups on one of my busiest days of the work week. And this is probably one of our favorites! This...
I usually make this on special occasions or some random weekends. Of course you must have tried various versions of veggie lasagna. I...
I do not know whether it is a Mexican recipe or an Italian recipe. I basically ended up making this dish based on what I had in my pantry...
We usually make pizza or calzone with store bought pizza dough. Just as I was thinking about other options to make with my pizza dough, I...
I know that does not really sound Italian! But trust me this is as creamy as any Alfredo sauce pasta. And perfect for a vegan option. The...
Hey guys! There is so much you could make for a busy weeknight dinner with store bought pizza dough. It does not need to be just a boring...
Growing up my amma would make yummy pizzas with a sand oven (YES! you are reading that right). And it was DEL--LI--CIOUS! Every week we...
I started making calzones when I got tired for making pizzas out of store bought pizza dough. My husband, Simha always craves for a "Pod"...